Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology from the Republic of Moldova




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In Memoriam Professor Boris Pîrgari

For high merit recognition and deep gratitude for development of

Anesthesia and Intensive Care in the Republic of Moldova .


Gheorghe Ghidirim

❖University professor, PhD,  Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova

❖President of the League of Doctors from the Republic of Moldova

❖"He is the vocation of medicine, although he could have been a writer, and an aviator and an interpreter of romances and a translator, but he became what he had to become." Nicolae Dabija

Serghei Cobîlețchi

❖1987-1989 VIcedirector of IMSP SR Leova

❖1991-present: Head of the ATI Department of IMSP IMU, RM

❖1998-present: university assistant Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation NO.1 "Valeriu Ghereg" USMF"N. Testemițanu"

❖Member of the board of directors of the Medical Foundation of Moldova

❖Member of the board of directors of the "Valeriu Ghereg" Medical Foundation

Gheorghe Rojnoveanu

❖University professor, PhD,

❖2016-present: Head of Department of Surgery no. 1 "Nicolae Anestiadi" USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu"

❖Chief of Surgery Clinic no. 1 "Nicolae Anestiadi" USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu"

❖President of the Association of Surgeons "Nicolae Anestiadi" from the Republic of Moldova

Adela Hilda Onuțu

❖MD PhD.

❖Anesthesia and intensive care consultant

❖Head of Orthopedic Anesthesia and Intensive Care Department

SCJU Cluj-Napoca

❖Main interest is in regional anesthesia and pain therapy - practice, teaching and research.

Nadejda Diaconu

❖M.D., Associate Professor

❖2009-2014 PhD researcher in , Innovative Pharma Research MO" SRL, experience in bioequivalence studies
❖Since 2011- Scientific Researcher in the Laboratory of Cardiac Emergencies and Rhythm Disorders
❖2013-2015 Project Director of young researchers
"Functional mitral insufficiency, mechanism and optimization of surgical management"
❖2014-2017 Cardiologist, Chief Coordinator in the Oral Anticoagulation Control Center, CardioPrima Medical Center, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
❖2017- President of the Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis from the Republic of Moldova
❖2018-present: Cardiologist, Excellence Medical Center, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Alexandru Corlăteanu
❖Conf. university Department of Pneumology and Allergology of USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"
❖Leader in the Republic of Moldova within the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (GOLD)
❖Member of the Assembly of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) for Moldova.
❖ Delegate of the European Society of Respirology (ERS) in the Republic of Moldova
❖Assistant editor for Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews and associate editor for COPD research and practice and Folia medica.
❖Author of the Respiratory Decade blog
Cornelia Gutu-Bahov
❖M.D., Associate Professor
❖2000-present: Head of Intensive Care Department of IMSP SCM "Sf. Treime", RM
❖2007 - 2015 - university assistant, department of anesthesiology and reanimatology no. 2 of USMF "N. testemitanu"
❖2015-present: university lecturer, university department of anesthesiology and reanimatology no. 2 of USMF "N. Testemitanu"
❖2016 Knight of the "Glory of Labor" Order

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