We invite you to the anniversary edition of the Conference of Students, Residents and Young Researchers in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care "In Memoriam, Professor Valeriu Ghereg", edition no. XX. From February 24, 2025
We have the great honor to invite you to a meeting of great importance for the future of our professional community – the joint meeting of the SARRM Senate with the heads of ATI sections and senior nurses, which will take place on January 24, 2025
Annual General Meeting of SARRM Members for November 29, 20024, 3:00 p.m. All full members of SARRM are invited to the SARRM General Assembly.
On October 19, 2024, at the Oncological Institute of the Republic of Moldova, a landmark event for the ATI community in the country took place: the CESIMUS course - Ultrasound in the Critical Patient. Organized in partnership with the SARRM, the Romanian Society for Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SRATI), the Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases "C.C. Iliescu" from Romania and IMSP IO from the Republic of Moldova.
Cardiovascular Module of The CEEA course, organized by the European Committee for Education in Anesthesiology (CEEA) is an event of high importance for the training of young specialists in intensive care (ATI) and for the entire ATI community in the Republic of Moldova.
Asociaţia Obştească «Societateade Anesteziologie și Reanimatologie din Republica Moldova», în continuare «Asociaţia» este o organizaţie necomercială, apolitică, nonprofit, constituită benevol de fondatori în vederea realizării scopurilor necomerciale pentru care a fost constituită.
Denumirea completă: Asociaţia Obştească «Societatea de Anesteziologie și Reanimatologie din Republica Moldova»
Asociaţia este creată şi îşi desfăşoară activitatea în conformitate cu Constituţia Republicii Moldova, Legea nr. 86 din 11 iunie 2020 cu privire la organizaţiile necomerciale, Codul Civil al Republicii Moldova şi prezentul statut.
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